Prohormones have been popular among bodybuilders throughout the last few decades, but remarks have remained divided on if they really do the job.

They have some overlapping backgrounds with steroids. While so many people have heard of prohormones, quite a number of people do not understand how they work.

We’d get the basic knowledge of prohormones and how they vary from steroids in this particular review. The focus will be on if they really do the job. This would lead to discussions in different fields of prohormone supplementation, like the dynamics advantages, side effects, and other related fields.

What Are Prohormones?

Prohormones are substances that function as precursors into the endogenous hormones.

To put it differently, they are the”raw materials” needed for the body to create its own hormones or steroids like testosterone, estrogen, etc..

Prohormones do not directly present these hormones into your body. Instead, they’re converted into the body.

Their conversion to steroids occurs through a variety of pathways in the liver and peripheral organs. Earlier journal reviews indicated that prohormones had no substantial effects in increasing muscle mass or operation.

However, there is a sufficient body of evidence to prove differently.

Prohormones are not anabolic steroids. The body simply needs them to create steroids. Let us say your car requires some fuel.

Steroids are the gas while prohormones are the dollars that get you the fuel. So, it directly translates the more money you have, the more fuel you become.

You can buy prohormones over-the-counter or on online shops and most of them are lawful, unlike steroids.

This is because regulatory bodies consider them as dietary supplements.

Prohormones 101: The Best Products, Results, Stacking & More

How Does Prohormones Works?

Prohormones from all courses have similar attributes, and this is how they exert their effects on the human body.

They act on the body’s hormonal receptors, for example, the androgenic and estrogen receptors.

They serve as receptor agonists. Hence, they alter the receptors by arousing certain cellular processes.

Knowledge about this is still progressing, but it culminates in increased availability of endogenous steroids.

Prohormones themselves are inactive, so until they reach the receptor level, their effect is minimal.

The goal of all prohormones generally would be to achieve targeted and rapid growth whilst cutting off useless body fat.

Can Prohormones Function?

Yes. Prohormones work, however, this wouldn’t have any significance without some signs at least. Amidst the critical approach to state; otherwise, many journals have observed the growth in serum hormonal (steroid) levels after the ingestion of a prohormone.

In addition to scientific proofs, reviews from community surveys from additional study to show the significance of prohormones in the body.

Subjectively, a lot of people who’ve used one prohormone product or the other have gotten impressive outcomes.

In my experience, prohormones don’t only do the job. Their consequences are every little visible, and it is hard not to see the changes that include taking them.

Individuals have added about 10 lbs of muscle in just one bulking cycle using 1-Androsterone.

Prohormones are taken orally rather than intravenously; otherwise, they would already be prescription drugs.

Once ingested, they undergo the first-pass metabolism by the liver after which they get absorbed into the bloodstream.

Research is still ongoing regarding the exact pharmacokinetics and dynamics of this drug. On the other hand, the part of the efficacy in promising results can’t be understated.

Prohormones were basically made to provide the advantages of taking steroids but with no legal or medical risks.

Types Of Prohormones

It might make sense to look at the types of prohormones to understand precisely what we are dealing with.

Since 1996, different goods have come and gone, each with their own effectiveness and critical acclaim. There are thousands of prohormones from the markets.

Prohormones might be methylated or non-methylated. The non-methylated are more powerful in general because they have fewer side effects.

The most common types include:

Different manufacturers have their own names for these products, but these are the names for them.

The prohormones possess their own unique properties. For instance, 5- Androstenediol is less androgenic than its cousin 4- Androstenedione.

Also, the norandros become converted to nortestosterone, unlike the 4-AD, which converts to testosterone.

Best 4 Legal ProHormones For Cutting & Bulking

Each of these products is used based on the aim. Some are great for adding muscle mass, others are great for cutting and a few for post cycle therapy. Currently, the top ones in the marketplace are:

1. AndroTest

Androtest Review: Worth Buying This #1 Powerful Prohormone?

Androtest is one of the best prohormones in circulation now. An estimated 5-6 capsules per day have the capacity of a 300-500mg weekly dose of testosterone enanthate.​

2. Nano 1T​

Buy Fusion Supplements Nano 1T | Powerful Prohormone

Frequently branded as the ultimate prohormone, this supplement has excellent anabolic effects for lean muscle development. A common criticism, however, is its bitter taste.​

3. Decalone​

Buy Fusion Supplements Decalone | Pro-Hormones | PH

This supplement is popular with beginners, and it is an excellent anabolic for lean muscle development. However, it comes with increased water retention, which might worry some people.

4. Halodrol​

Olympus Labs Halo 100 | Prohormones | Pumping Iron Store

This is just another popular and effective anabolic steroids. Albeit, it’s methylated, therefore it has considerable side effects.

Other notable mentions include Cynostane, 11-Oxo, Liquidien, Havoc, Epi-andro, and XI-XT.

Prohormones – Are They Really Safe?

Prohormones are usually safe except in certain groups of people such as children, pregnant or nursing mothers, the elderly, and people who have underlying health conditions.

It’s clear that there will be safety concerns because of the growth in baseline hormonal levels that come from using prohormones. The simple fact that they’re legal and therefore are under dietary supplements aids to ease some of the worries. So not only are prohormones effective, however, they are also safe.

However, an important practice to ensure further safety would be to take them in cycles. That is the reason why prohormones and steroids are occurring in cycles. The main reason is that you cannot continue to”induce” the body to keep producing its own steroids. There is the risk of your body’s own production packing up, leaving one to be depending on the exogenous anabolics for life.

In the end, there are also concerns about liver function because the liver also bears the load of processing the pills. If taken in excess, the liver can show signs of hepatotoxicity, and there could be other systemic side effects.

Prohormones – Pros And Cons:


The professionals of prohormones help to illustrate better how successful they are. Though, not like the illegal ones, they are highly effective. The benefits are similar to those of steroids, and they include:

  • Increase in muscle mass and strength. Because of the greater testosterone made accessible, you can anticipate a steroidal growth in muscle mass.
  • Boost physical appearance. Considering that the prohormones are made available in the blood, the effects are systemic, so one’s general appearance is far better.
  • Increased bone density. Together with a much better expression of secondary sexual characteristics, there is an increase in bone tissue density and density.
  • Increased sex drive. As much welcome benefit of prohormones, they enhance your sexual life and render you re-energized.
  • Superior performance. No matter the physical activity engaged in, prohormones enhance productivity in a tremendous fashion.
  • Quicker recovery time. Since the human body’s endogenous steroid production has been pushed to overdrive, recovery time becomes quicker, and one can train better.
  • Less fat. Due to the increased metabolism, one gets a much better body fat percentage.
  • Improved energy levels. Each of the effects of prohormones results in increased energy levels and improved mental health. It’s easy to experience an improved mood and assurance.

Other pros of prohormones are correlated with their availability, and they comprise:

  • Simple to eat. Prohormones come as pills, so they’re quite convenient to take for many people.
  • Good financial value. Prohormones alone are economical, and most of them are accessible at under $100.
  • They are readily available. Prohormones are seen anyplace OTC and online making them very easy to assess.


Much of the disadvantages of prohormones come from some of the unfavorable accessibility-related side effects, and they include:

  • It’s expensive to use prohormones. Prohormones independently are not pricey. However, since they also come with the need for bicycle assistance, precaution from liver toxicity, and the demand for a post cycle therapy, we could think about well over a thousand dollars every year.
  • Lack of results. Due to abuse or improper usage, some people may not get the outcomes that they desire, erroneously misleading them to believe that prohormones are unsuccessful. This isn’t actually a con because even the top of”formulations” doesn’t work for everybody.

People today experience more of those cons when they stack prohormones in massive amounts, blending as many as three to four. Except well regulated, users should not be overly keen on stacking.

The Final Verdict

So after all these, do prohormones do the job? There’s a large body of evidence to suggest that prohormones are a very effective alternative to the much-maligned steroids.

In the study we have delved into in this discourse, it’s safe to state that prohormones operate and they’re able to guarantee steroid-like results and other anabolic effects.

The role of healthy dietary options, routine exercise, and good sleep is imperative to the success of prohormones.

Some lifestyle alterations are necessary. By way of example, if on prohormones, it’s advisable to cut down on smoking and alcohol.

The most crucial element in deciding whether to choose prohormones or not is risk analysis.

This could vary across individuals since everybody has their own goals. However, from the study and a medical standpoint, the advantages outweigh the risks considerably as most of the disadvantages are not common.

In conclusion, if you are seeking to put on a couple of pounds of muscle and enhance your construct, all without the side effects of steroids, prohormones are the way to go.

It’s not a walk in the park, and it takes a good degree of dedication and commitment to get desirable outcomes.

Hopefully, I have been able to debunk some of the myths surrounding prohormones.

Common Frequently Asked Questions

Would prohormones influence my height?

For adults, prohormones don’t have an effect on height whatsoever vertical growth is over in most cases.

How long should I take prohormones?

The suggested length to be on prohormone supplements is anywhere between 4 weeks to 8 weeks. This is the length of a bicycle, and it’s followed by four weeks of post cycle therapy. Three cycles per year are ideal.

Could I combine them?

Some prohormones can be obtained together by is not normally advisable due to the increase in side effects that could occur. Non-methylated prohormones are better for piling up if need be.

How do I take them?

Prohormones are taken orally, and it’s best to take them alongside meals. You would come across the dose on the item label.

How soon should I expect results?

This may vary across individuals, but on the average, people see significant changes around ten times.

Are they secure?

If taken based on the recommendations, prohormones are therapeutically safe. Back in the day, many were prohibited for safety reasons, but presently, there’s a rich collection of safe prohormones.

Can prohormones shrink my testes?

Just if abused and taken in excess do prohormones affect testicular function. Furthermore, if somebody does not follow a post cycle therapy through, testicular dysfunction is a possible complication.

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