Human motion is reciprocal in nature: Opposing muscle groups must coordinate for proper movement.

Muscle length and strength between opposing muscle groups need to maintain balance for normal movement and function.

There are two primary Kinds of muscle imbalance:

  • Body muscular imbalance. The muscles on both sides of your body ought to be symmetrical with one another in strength and size. When a muscle (or muscles) on one side of your body is bigger, smaller, stronger, or weaker than the corresponding muscle(s) on the other side, you have a muscle imbalance.
  • Joint muscle imbalance. Each of the muscles that surround a joint work jointly with the conflicting force which keeps the bones of their joint based for optimal motion. If at least one of those muscles becomes weaker, stronger, looser, or smaller than ordinary, you have a muscle imbalance and joint motion can be limited.

How to Correct a Muscle Imbalance | Openfit

What causes a muscle imbalance?

A muscle imbalance is often the result of:

  • Natural development
  • Certain actions of daily life
  • Inactivity
  • Bad posture
  • An unbalanced exercise regime
  • Working with improper form

Muscle pairs

Antagonistic muscle pairs are basically spouses: It’s responsible for withdrawing, and yet one is accountable for pushing.

If one (the agonist) contracts, another (the antagonist) relaxes. This allows for full joint motion.

You can observe this in action when you’re drinking water out of a bottle.

Together with the bottle in your hand, you flex (contract) your biceps to deliver the jar into your mouth. As your biceps contract, then your triceps relax.

If your biceps or triceps are developed over its counterpart, you may not have a complete range of motion. In some scenarios, the more developed muscle will contract longer and tighten up.

What are the effects of a muscle imbalance?

Strengthening your muscles is usually beneficial. However, if you over-focus on some areas of the body while neglecting others, you may end up with a muscle strain.

Muscle imbalances May Lead to physical issues, for example:

  • Limited mobility
  • Pain
  • Symmetrical look

Muscle imbalances can also result in instability. This can lead to an increased risk of harm, including damage to:

  • Joints
  • Ligaments
  • Tendons
  • Bones
  • Muscles
  • Connective tissue

How do you fix muscle imbalances?

Everything in your body is connected, so something that affects one particular part of your body affects — in either a minor or major way — everything else.

Your first step in repairing a muscle imbalance is identification.

Muscle strength and endurance testing

One way of identification is biometric testing. This process uses a machine to measure muscle contractions that can reveal muscle deficiencies and muscular imbalances.

Biometric testing can Concentrate on individual joints including the:

  • Shoulders
  • Elbows
  • Wrists
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Ankles


To recognize muscular imbalance within their body, some athletes use photographs taken from angles other than a straight-on mirror perspective.

This helps them determine where their body is symmetrical and at which they may have some size imbalances. These photos can help identify imbalances in muscle pairs affecting:

  • Head posture
  • Hunched shoulders
  • Pelvic tilt
  • Leg spinning

Correcting imbalances with workout

Imbalances may frequently be adjusted through exercise.

A 2015 study on elite fencers revealed that the heavy use of lunging while fencing leads to an imbalance of the upper and lower limb muscles.

By enhancing worldwide muscle equilibrium, the fencers’ lower extremity balance was improved during the game.


Another step for avoiding or fixing muscle imbalances is making certain that your exercise form is proper.

Check your form with a workout professional (such as a coach or coach) or by looking in the mirror as you work out, to be certain that you’re working your body in an ideal way.


1 way to avoid exercise-induced muscle imbalance is to concentrate on function and the whole body.

Avoid attempting to build huge muscles in 1 area. By way of example, if lifting weights or doing a particular exercise such as a lunge, do exactly the same amount of reps on both sides of your system.


For suitable motion, your opposing muscle groups must coordinate with each other. Proper coordination for normal movement and function depends on those opposing muscle groups being in balance.

Muscle imbalance can result in:

  • Restricted mobility
  • Pain
  • Symmetrical look

If you’re experiencing muscle imbalance, you may be able to address it through targeted exercise. Consider working with a trainer or physical therapist. They will be able to help you diagnose and handle any concerns you might have.

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